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Sign In Instructions
To see your personal benefits information, enter your User ID and password in the top left box.
User ID:Social Security Number + 616
Example: 123-45-6789 = 123456789616
Password:Last four digits of Social Security Number Example: 123456789 = 6789.
You will be prompted to change your password the first time you sign in.
Once Annual Enrollment begins, all passwords are reset to the last four digits of your SSN.
Learn about the benefits
your employer is making available to you.
Then, build a benefits package
that best meets your needs.
Connect to Resources
Can't sign in? Have questions?
A benefit counselor is a phone call away to assist you with your benefits.
Customer Support Center: (866)922-1899
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Thursday: 8 am to 8 pm cst
Friday: 8 am to 6 pm cst
NOTE: If you have not yet been placed on assignment or received your first paycheck please reach out to your local branch for a benefit brochure and instructions for visiting a preview website. This website will allow you to preview the benefits you will be eligible to enroll in once you have received your first paycheck.
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